As companies grow larger, they many times do not realize how much their effort in keeping logistics and transportation in-house is consuming both time and resources that could better be spent on generating profits. There is very little to be achieved by struggling to keep costs down in shipping while maintaining high levels of energy in the profitable areas of your business. Not only are there numerous logistics companies who specifically handle this end of the supply chain, but the costs of hiring these people are minimal compared to delivering products on your own. Freight forwarding companies and NVOCC's in particular are trained to seek out the best rates available using their high volume leverage. Depending on the network they are in, they also enjoy higher levels of customer service due to their relationships in the industry. As companies grow larger, they begin to hire more of their own experts from the shipping industry and while this can be extremely helpful, the benefits are only increased by the higher volume. With better visibility and a much lower risk of claims, freight forwarders will actually help you raise your company to a higher level of service. In this economy, service is what will keep your company rising above your competitors. Having an expert team of logistics players will not only keep lower shipping costs that you can then pass on to your customers, but it allows for a higher level of efficiency in your overall supply chain that will keep your company lean and well-organized.
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