The United States Department of Transportation recently announced the proposal of a Primary Freight Network and a map of the Network. As the map shows, the Primary Freight Network will comprise of a series of highways that are vital to shipping freight by truck. The map of the Primary Freight Network highlights certain highways so that the different states can focus solely on devoting investments and resources on those important highways that remain vital in logistics. As a result, shipping companies can now focus more on efficiency, which in turn might help lower some freight shipping rates. The Primary Freight Network proposal is a part of a requirement from MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century).
How exactly did the United States Department of Transportation determine the Primary Freight Network? They examined he data of where the freight trucks travel to and from most often. The map of the Primary Freight Network is the result of that data analysis, which is 41,000 miles of connected roadways that reach the majority of the US population.
Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez said of the Primary Freight Network: “By indentifying critical freight highways, we will focus more attention on the routes upon which America’s businesses rely.”
The next step for the Primary Freight Network is for comments about the proposal from carriers, freight forwarders and shippers. This is your opportunity to tell the Department of Transportation what you think of their proposal and any suggestions that you can offer to improve it.
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